Learning and Projects

My Favourite Podcasts

Monday, Aug 19, 2019

I spend a fair amount of time listening to podcasts. I find I can steadily run and take in the information at the same time, so on heavy running weeks, my long runs can get through a few hours of podcast material.

The stuff I listen to often provides advice, whether it’s technical, health, financial, etc., so I often find myself sharing episodes, or whole series, with people.

I thought I’d compile this list to make that sharing a little easier:

Mad Fientist - Financial Independence Podcast

One of my favourites on the topic of FIRE (Financial Indpendence Retire Early). Brandon (the host) is a fantastic inverviewer, with a very humble approach to the topic, and he only brings out an episode when there’s really something good to say, or someone great to interview.

I’ve listened to them all, but a couple that stand out to listen to if you want to get hooked are:

Planet Money from NPR

Mainly focussed on the US economy, but a few global aspects in there too. It’s generally only 15 - 20 mins per episode, so they are nice bite size chunks of economic goodness, if that’s your thing.

I’ve listened to this for years, and have a hit rate of about 80%, so there’s some good stuff in there. Try these for starters:

Broken Brain with Dhru Purohit

This is a health and nutrition podcast which my wife put me onto (she’s currently studying to be a nutritionist). Lots of really interesting and practical info.

I’ve only listened to about 5 episodes so far, but they’ve all been good, so I’ll definitely work my way through the backlog.

Some of my favs you could start with:

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